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It's Summer on Satur Farms!

We love the rhythm of the seasons and the various produce that presents itself as the season advances.  It's been a cold wet spring, so we've had some difficulty in keeping up with our rigorous seeding schedule. Quality is excellent, but hopefully, now that we're in summer, the rains will become less frequent.

Satur Farms Baby Leaf remains the strength of our farming operation- Mesclun Spring Mix, our Wild Arugula, Baby Spinach, Mizuna, Tat Soi, Red Mustard, Baby Kales are all looking fantastic. We have a new additions to our Baby Leaf family- Baby Red Amaranth and Hemp! Yes, it is Cannabis, but without the THC. It's high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, with a slight lemony taste. We're still in the experimental stage with our collaborators, but plan to pack it solo and in a Hemp + Baby Kale mix. Butterheads, Frisée, Lollo Rosso, Curly Kale and Tuscan Kale have had a late start but are now ready for harvests.

Satur Farms is proud to qualify for the New York State Grown & Certified program. Compliance with rigorous food safety standards and an elevated level of environmental stewardship are requirements for inclusion. All our greens are grown, washed, and packed by our team in NY!